Working holoprojector / sound generator in progress
This rat's nest is actually a small (ipod nano sized) mp3 player which I took apart. It's circuit boards nicely folded up, and I pried the LCD screen up and removed its backing. The LCD is the square behind the white foam core. Behind that is a 22 LED auto lamp shining through. I'm going to try and use the bulb from a 2 million candlepower spotlight instead, but the heat might be a problem. In front of this goes a pair of lenses stolen from a Rescue Heroes toy... When you get the focus length right, it projects pretty well... That's a steel ruler in the background for scale. The wires are soldered to the mp3 player button contact pads. I have to connect them to a digital switch IC so that my Arduinio microboard can control them. For that, I need to sort out my whole electronics enclosure, connectors, wiring, etc.